Evaluation for Excellence Toolkit: Using VLE Data

This recipe card explains some ways to use the data dashboards available in Learn Ultra to gain insights into students’ access to content and use of interactive tools.
Recipe Card Detail
The virtual learning environment (VLE) captures data from student usage of resources. In this card we show how to use the dashboards available in Learn Ultra to explore how students are using the synchronous and asynchronous teaching resources you’ve created and how you can utilise this data to enhance your own teaching practice. We will look at: • A number of different ways to view analytical data in Learn Ultra • Some things that analytical data can and cannot reveal about student engagement PREPARATION: Schedule regular intervals at which to review analytical data TIMING: 1-30 minutes EQUIPMENT: Web Browser |
1. IDENTIFYING STUDENT DATA You can access data about the following for each student in Learn Ultra: • Date and time of last site visit • Discussion board posts and replies (if used) • Quiz/test scores and totals (if used) • Number and duration of Encore video views | 2. VIEWING STUDENT DATA • Site visit data: Gradebook Students tab • Discussion board stats: item menu under View Analytics • Quiz/test scores: item menu under Student activity and in the Gradebook student grid • Video stats: ‘Books & Tools’ > ‘Encore’: How to access folder and video statistics Remember that any student data that you download is subject to data protection regulations. | 3. STUDENT DATA INSIGHTS The data stored in Learn Ultra can show you if the student: • visited the site • contributed to a discussion board • answered quiz/test questions in a certain way • clicked ‘Play’ on a video | 4. STUDENT DATA LIMITS The data stored in Learn Ultra cannot show you: • how long the student spent on activities or if they paid attention to a video or live session • how the student approached a quiz/test • contextual factors (e.g. internet connection; device; environment; distractions; tight study schedule; etc.) |
5. VIEWING COHORT DATA • Quiz/test overview stats can be found in the item menu under ‘Student Activity’. • Video stats can be found via ‘Books & Tools’ > ‘Encore’: How to access folder and video statistics. | 6. USING COHORT DATA Cohort data can give you an overall idea of: • How well students are grasping quantifiable content (tests) • How many times a video was viewed and the drop-off rate • …but not necessarily the reasons behind this information | 7. FURTHER ACTION For individuals, start with supportive direct contact; there could be many different reasons why a student isn’t engaging. For cohorts, data can suggest changes to teaching (e.g. split videos with high drop-off into smaller chunks; revisit concepts that were not grasped in a quiz). | Download a full colour version of the recipe cards. Recipe Card (PDF) – TBD |
Links to Online Resources
- This video provides an overview of using Learn Ultra analytics: https://youtu.be/oH7TNfO6_WI
Links to Papers/Books
- Howell, Joel, A. Roberts, Lynne Seaman, and D. Gibson. “Are We on Our Way to Becoming a ‘Helicopter University’? Academics’ Views on Learning Analytics.” Technology, Knowledge and Learning 23.1 (2018): 1-20.
- Larrabee Sønderlund, Anders, Emily Hughes, and Joanne Smith. “The Efficacy of Learning Analytics Interventions in Higher Education: A Systematic Review.” British Journal of Educational Technology 50.5 (2019): 2594-618.
- Selwyn, Neil. “Re-imagining ‘Learning Analytics’ … a Case for Starting Again?” The Internet and Higher Education 46 (2020): The Internet and Higher Education, July 2020, Vol. 46.
- Strang, Kenneth David. “Do the Critical Success Factors From Learning Analytics Predict Student Outcomes?” Journal of Educational Technology Systems 44.3 (2016): 273-99.
- Special issue. “The datafication of teaching in Higher Education: critical issues and perspectives” Teaching in Higher Education 25.4 (2020).