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Project-based learning is an extended piece of work in which the learner is involved in in-depth research and/or development leading to detailed understanding of the topic and the ability to apply their learning. 

Project-based learning develops students’ sense of responsibility for their own learning. It allows students to investigate and develop knowledge of subjects in their particular interest and to practise and revisit skills and knowledge taught as part of the curriculum as a means of assessing what has already been taught. 

It can be: 

  • applied to almost any subject area. 
  • individual or group learning. 
  • practical or research-based. 
  • of various lengths – from a week or two to a term or academic year. 
  • a designated problem or enquiry development of new ideas. 
  • an in-depth piece of work such as an article or working system, e.g. computer programme. 
  • multistaged so soft skills such as project management, critical thinking and communication can also be developed. 
  • student-led, i.e. the student chooses their own project or selects from a number of projects offered. 
  • a forerunner to more extended research such as a dissertation or thesis. 

Best Practice Tips

  • Provide students with a clear understanding of the objectives of the research: what is the desired outcome? Real-life projects have more meaning that simulated ones.
  • Ensure that there is at least an element of choice when students are beginning their projects.  
  • Develop a plan with students, clearly laying out the stages of the project, allocating tasks if the project is to be developed by a group rather than an individual. 
  • Set planned milestones such as supervisor or group meetings, submission of works-in-progress, or blog/journal check-ins. 
  • Consider guiding students through stages when first working on project-based learning (using scaffolding techniques). Later projects can be run more autonomously by students themselves. 
  • Give students access to collaborative (digital) tools when working on group projects. 
  • Encourage clear investigation into the background of the project, such as a literature review or examination of existing practice. Direct students to different options for organising their literature reviews or data collection.
  • Encourage students to keep a diary of reflection as the project goes on, documenting findings, changes, additions or redefinition of the project.  
  • Emphasise reflection and self- and peer-evaluation in the marking criteria–a project does not necessarily have to be successful for learning to take place.
  • Encourage students to critique each other’s contribution to the project (in a supportive way). 
  • Give students a platform to tell others about the project, e.g. final presentation to other students in the class, departmental event, website showcasing the projects.

Resources and Examples

A general introduction: What is PBL?

Engineering PBL example

Built environment PBL example

Language learning PBL example

Business Studies PBL example

Further Reading

Guo, Pengyue, et al. (2020) ‘A Review of Project-Based Learning in Higher Education: Student Outcomes and Measures.’ International Journal of Educational Research, vol. 102.

Kokotsaki, D., Menzies, V. and Wiggins, A. (2016) ‘Project-based learning : a review of the literature.’, Improving schools., 19 (3). pp. 267-277.