Principles for Learning, Teaching and Assessment
Durham University is proud to introduce a transformative approach to higher education with the launch of its five pioneering Principles for Learning, Teaching and Assessment.
Our principles
These principles, developed through extensive consultation and review and approved by Senate in June 2023, are designed to place student success, engagement, and inclusive education at the forefront of the university’s academic mission across the period 2023-2027.

Active pedagogy
Durham recognizes the power of engagement and the role of students as active participants in their education. The university commits to diverse teaching strategies beyond traditional lectures, encompassing methods like problem-based learning, collaborative projects, and flipped classrooms. This dynamic approach ensures that every class is vibrant, engaging, and conducive to deeper understanding.

Inclusive learning design
No student should be left behind in the pursuit of education. Durham’s principles emphasize accessibility and inclusivity in all programs, ensuring that students from all backgrounds, identities, and abilities can fully participate and thrive. This commitment extends to every aspect of the educational journey, fostering a community where diversity is celebrated, and every voice is valued.

Resilient curriculum
In an ever-changing global landscape, education must be agile. Durham is dedicated to a curriculum that can withstand future challenges, equipped with the flexibility to adapt to the unexpected, and the capacity to embrace new educational technologies and methodologies.

Assessment for learning
Assessment is not just about grades; it’s about feedback, reflection, and growth. Durham advocates for a balanced mix of evaluative methods, emphasizing formative assessments that support learning, provide constructive feedback, and contribute to the ongoing learning process rather than just a final grade.

Digital learning
Critical digital learning
The digital revolution has transformed the educational space, and Durham is at the forefront of this transition. The university encourages the integration of advanced technology and digital resources in its courses, promoting innovative pedagogy, broadening access, and preparing students for a digital world.

These principles are not just guidelines but a commitment to every student’s future, ensuring that Durham University remains a world-class institution in learning and teaching excellence. Join us as we embark on this exciting educational journey, shaping the minds of tomorrow, today.
On the main Resource Bank page you’ll find case studies and approaches in each of the areas of the principles.
The white paper can be viewed here: Principles for Learning, Teaching and Assessment. The Principles have also been integrated into the Durham University Learning and Teaching Handbook; see Section 3: Curriculum Development (internal only).